about us

our goal is to elevate the quality of public policy discourse in Brazil, ensuring that decisions are based on comprehensive, evidence-based research that considers the full spectrum of factors influencing the media and technology ecosystem

why we do?

in today’s complex media and technology landscape, policymakers are increasingly seeking evidence-based research to inform their decisions. As regulators grapple with the complex dynamics of the tech ecosystem, there is a growing demand for research that goes beyond the surface-level criticisms and provides a deeper, more sceptical analysis of the issues at hand.

in Brazil, challenges are further compounded by the country’s unique socio-political landscape, which is marked by low digital literacy levels, an ongoing institutional crisis, and partisan organizations. Consequently, research on digital governance often appears biased and superficial, significantly diminishing its usefulness for informed and effective policymaking. In Brazil, challenges are further compounded by the country’s unique socio-political landscape, which is marked by low digital literacy levels, an ongoing institutional crisis, and partisan organizations. Consequently, research on digital governance often appears biased and superficial, significantly diminishing its usefulness for informed and effective policymaking.

We want to change that.

how we do?

industry and independent

as an industry-led initiative, we must compromise with depth and seriousness in everything we do, maintaining independence, objectivity, and adhering to methodological and ethical standards to prevent biases that could jeopardize our research.

driven by data

our goal will not be lobbying or advocacy, but to provide evidence-based research that informs and shapes policy. By creating high-quality, impactful research, we can naturally build relationships that enhance the operations of GA and legal teams.

research with real impact

our focus is on conducting research that matters and has a tangible impact on the industry. We actively engage in disseminating our findings and building relationships to impact audiences, supported by effective PR strategies.


Pedro Henrique Ramos

executive director

PhD candidate in Communication Studies (ESPM), Master in Law and Development (FGV) and Bachelor in Law (USP). former visiting researcher at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (Oxford) and Center of Internet & Society (Stanford). Professor at Ibmec SP. Author of the book “Direito e Mídia Digital: Melhores Práticas” (Digital Law and Media: Best Practices). Board Member at IAB Brasil and CENP, and member of the digital working group of CONAR. Partner at b/luz.


alumni researchers

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